I chose Heidelberg because the moment I got onto campus it felt like home. Everyone we met said hi and made sure we were having a good time. People always told me that I would know which school I wanted to go to when I walked on campus. They were right; the second I walked on campus I knew this is where I was supposed to be.
I majored in Health Science and Psychology because those two majors would help me get into Occupational Therapy school.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was time management and I handled it in a unique way, by making myself busier. I filled my schedule enough that I was not overwhelmed, but busy enough that I had to schedule times to study and do homework and that forced me to get everything done in a timely manner.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to be in the real world. I took classes outside of my majors and they really helped to prepare me for life beyond Heidelberg. Heidelberg also prepared me to be a leader by giving me so many opportunities to step out of my comfort zone and lead in different ways.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in the Philalethean Society, Student Alumni Association, Berg UCC, Disability Advocacy Division, and several jobs on campus.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was being a part of the Philalethean Society because it has given me so many opportunities. It has allowed me to grow as a leader. It has given me a support system beyond the people right here at Heidelberg. One of the biggest things it has taught me is how to network and talk to alumni in a way that will help me in the future.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Ashley Helmstetter because she has always been there to support me and cheer me on. I have worked for her for 4 years and she has given me opportunities to do some public speaking and meet a lot of amazing alumni.
My advice to new freshmen would be to get involved on campus. Find a group or club you are passionate about and join. Four years go by so fast, so do things you enjoy, while also studying hard.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is any of the late-night breakfasts right before finals. Everyone is super busy and stressed, but we all show up and get to have some time to relax and hang out before finals. It makes it even better that our professors, the Dean of Student Affairs and the President are there to wish us all luck as we head into finals.
My plans after graduation are to attend Slippery Rock University's Doctor of Occupational Therapy program.