Health Science Major
I chose Heidelberg because of the small campus and having the opportunity to receive one-on-one engagement with professors & faculty.
I majored in Health Science because growing up I always knew that I wanted to make a difference in other people’s lives and work in healthcare. Both of my parents have always worked in business administration and this has been a great inspiration to me. Due to my love for both fields of work, I decided to specialize in a career combining my two favorite things — healthcare administration.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was having to make educational adjustments in accordance with COVID, as the pandemic began shortly after my freshman year started, and I handled it by ensuring that I stayed on top of my studies and kept constant communication with my professors.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to succeed in the professional workplace. My experiences at the Berg taught me how to utilize resources and connections.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Kappa Psi Omega, Catholic Newman Club work-study for Dr. Anne Anderson in the School of Business.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Kappa Psi Omega because it provided me with a second family away from home. I will carry the connections I made within the group, for years to come. Being in the group has allowed me to grow and thrive as an individual. I will forever cherish the memories and friendships I made along the way.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Patricia Berg because she always took the time to ensure each student felt valued and seen. Dr. Berg went the extra mile in the classroom to help her students succeed and learn to their best potential. She provided us with resources to allow growth outside of the classroom as well and truly wants the best for each of her students.
My advice to new freshman me would be take chances and push yourself to go outside of your comfort zone.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is the junior etiquette dinner.
My plans after graduation are to return to Heidelberg in the fall to study in the PlusOneAdvantage® MBA program while working full time as coordinator of Supply Chain in the Cardiac Cath Lab & Interventional Radiology at Bon Secours Mercy Health.